Saturday, 23 November 2013

It is Only When You Are Lost That You Begin to Find Yourself

What makes a person the way he/she is? How would you describe yourself? What traits of yourself will you say make you the you you (so many you's)? What traits are a part of you but don't describe you?

Too many questions.

There may be a lot I don't know about a person but there's also a lot I don't know about myself. Both in mental and in physical way.
I mean, I have Ordinal Linguistic Personification and I only recently discovered! Who knew?

People go about trying to discover more about their significant other or friend and try to understand more about them but truth is most of them don't know the most basic things about themselves.
They could write 400 page novels on their best friends but not themselves.

I have discovered so much about myself, so much about what I really am. You don't need to go on a pilgrimage trip to the Himalayas to understand yourself.

What I discovered about myself is that I'm a person. (needs hyperlink)

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